They kept us so busy, we were unable to know our real talents, we never truly knew ourselves.
They kept us too busy, we were unable to take up a hobby we always wanted to.
They kept us so busy, we were unable to know what makes our hearts sing.
They kept us so busy that we never took a deep breath to listen to our hearts.
They kept us so busy, we didn't ever cook for ourselves and our health suffered.
They kept us so busy, we hardly had any time with our families, and the kids are all grown up now.
They kept us so busy, we had no time to nurture ourselves, we felt much older than our age.
They kept us so busy, we had to wake up at 3am every day take better care of ourselves, we told ourselves we can sleep when we are dead. (Irony)
They kept us so busy, we didnt have time to create our own businesses and become the entrepreneurs we always dreamed of, in control of our time, and building consious businesses that value humanity and the planet.
They kept us in fear of each other. What if we stepped into not being afraid of intimacy, of being vulnerable...and we finally found the love our lives.
What if we all stepped into our god given talents and started creating ...creating the life we dream of, creating the planet we deserve.
What if we stepped into following our desires and taking actions to make our dreams come true, no longer just wishing for one day... that never comes.
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