The power of movement, meditation, slowing down, dropping into the sensual body through touching an object or our own skin is to sooth and comfort our nervous systems.
Writing/journaling helps digest and process our thoughts and emotions, so our brain can make sense of the information that comes through us.
This time is best used to reconnect to our core, our truth, our soul, our self. The stillness within is where we feel most at peace, we feel joy, and stillness. Even if surrounding our core are emotions like sadness, lonliness, despair, we can get underneath these layers of feelings by relaxing and sinking inside ourself where the stillness resides.
At first, the layers may seem difficult to penetrate. The cells are closely knit, muscles are cramped, breath is shallow, blood isn't circulating freely because trauma from the past sets in the body and lodges there creating emotional and physical pain.
But with gentle, loving attention, gentle full breathing into those parts slowly dislodges the grips of pain, and past memories.
By breathing into the cracks in between the tightness we can heal ourselves. With each breath brings oxygen and blood to wake up our body's own natural defenses. With each long exhale, the grip releases, opens subtly and we can sink even deeper into those cracks, separating out the strands of healthy tissue and sink deeper into the core of who we are without any of the trauma that built up over the years.
This is how the body heals the lifetime of collected trauma and even inhereted trauma in our DNA passed down through generations of hurt. We have a chance to heal all of this and rediscover who we really are, our true self, a clean slate like the innocent babe we came into this world, full of potential and wonder that for so many of us was not allowed to be nourished and allowed to flourish.
Well we can do that now for ourselves, reparent those lost parts of ourselves and Find Our Self, where you are, now.
With some daily rituals, done with gratitude and desire, intentionally, you can break through the armour. It takes time and patience and courage but we can support each other on our individual journeys. Our journey to our self, our rebirth, our Renaissance.
Today, I did my meditation before getting out of bed. Lying down, flat, nothing more than some deep breaths, feeling the oxygen give life and energy to my waking body.
Allowing my subconscious mind space to express before the waking mind takes over with a list of to dos and chores. Feeling my skin with my fingers, the cool morning air on my skin, waking up my senses with slow touch, slow breath, slow thought.
Allowing desire and sensual pleasure to bubble up and take form. I asked myself, what do I feel like wanting this morning? Some sadness came up during this ritual and rather than push it away, I welcomed the feeling and gave it space to express itself. I had been feeling sad about news of a new coronavirus case discovered in my home village in Italy, just 2 weeks after their strict lockdown had eased up. This was very discouraging and disheartening for me. The plan to return felt further away. I felt the sadness and lonliness, disappointment wash over me.
At the same time, a desire sparked to go for a walk, another morning ritual I do with pleasure and grace, not out of obligation, if I feel I must do it, I don't do it. it has to come from desire. There are things in life I must do and I do them, but my morning rituals must come from desire not habit, not obligation.
The walk did me a lot of good, I realized I had been mourning the loss of the way things were. But I also do not miss the busy stressed out life I had. And now there is this journey inward, to meet my soul, my core that is always with me so I am truly never lonely.
I have allowed myself to cultivate this relationship with my self as I have had the opportunity to do this over the years during my 6 month stints in Italy, but there was always a slight tinge of guilt, self-indulgence and judgement, feeling lazy if I wasn't do something productive. The curse of our western life.
Well no more! Now, with gratitude for the priveledge I have to take this time for myself and track it and see where it leads me, and be witnessed and hopefully inspire others to take this walk with me and together we will change ourselves, connect with each other and to others on a similar journey and create a powerful tipping point that aligns ourselves to our soul, our planet and a course to end the suffering on this planet.
My intention for this day is to be intentional with each moment, I know I will stray so setting reminders every 20 minutes to take a time out, breath deeply, stretch and move my body, nourish my body with good wholesome foods prepared by me, drink cool clean water to stay hydrated, take my supplements to keep my digestive track healthy so my immune system is healthy. Clear my thoughts of anything that is not loving and judgement free. Create, write, share, engage, work, be present, go within and turn off all outside noise and negative distractions.
What are your intentions for today? And together we can create the Next Renaissance.
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