People say that things never change, but this is the furthest from the truth.
If you have done any healing work to heal your trauma, you know that healing works in cycles. Trauma doesnt disappear, but you learn to heal it so it has less of an affect on you. You might still get triggered, then you feel bad for a while, but you get up again, each time it gets better, you don't react nearly as harshly you did before seeking treatment. It takes time but eventually, you no longer lash out in anger, hatred and violence or shut down and become numb.
Its the same with society. So much has changed in the past 400 years. Black people were kidnapped from their home in Africa and thrown into slavery, then the Civil war broke and eventually Lincoln emancipated slaves but he was shot before there was a plan to integrate black people into society. That is when this country took a huge step backwards with the Jim Crowe segregation laws that kept blacks marginalized for 100 years.
For a 100 years, black people did not have any rights!
Then, in 1968, Martin Luther King gave black people hope and the Civil Rights Movement was born. Unfortunately, he was shot and and so was JFK and we took many a step backwards and forwards over the past 50 years...until Obama became president and he gave hope back to blacks and all of us who were ever marginalized. Unfortunately, the current administration didnt do anything except undo every good thing Obama got passed in spite of the Republican congress.
Now, its like what Reverend Sharpton said yesterday at George Floyd's memorial service..., "Its a different time" he said. During the Civil Rights Movement, mostly black people were protesting, now, there are people of all colors, ages taking to the streets in peaceful protest saying "No Justice, No Peace." There are people all over the world protesting for Justice. They are coming to our aid.
There are many more people in support of peace than against.
Yes, there is still police brutality as we see on the videos, but with technology, the truth can no longer be hidden. We are not going to stop until the police officers are held accountable for their brutality....and "Qualified Immunity" is reformed. After that, we will have to tackle the lax gun laws, another problem where change is hugely overdue.
So next time anyone says things never change, you can tell them they are wrong about that.